
Maria, Charlotte Kerer

About pine cones and other toys.
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning ? Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
We had nothing to play with. We only had Tschurtschen, what are they called? How do you say - yes, pine cones ... and little wood blocks We didn`t know dolls, we didnt have any. Not even a ball or anything, you didnt have that. We played with sticks or with - yes with pine cones, with pine cones that had sprung open, we used them as babies or as cows - that`s how we played. There was nothing else. Or this old .. rag, from mother, who said: "you can now cover the babies with that", and that``s how we played. There was nothing to play with. Nothing. We didnt have anything. Maybe it was available, but there was no money. We simply had no money. In the summer it was alright, we could go outside. Yes! - But from autumn till spring - Well, we sat inside ... some sat on the bench and some on chairs - and - all of us were never home, ... I was hardly ever home, mostly I was gone ...we managed somehow - we did manage. Yes.